Showers of His Grace

Showers of His Grace

It is about serving. It is about making a difference.”

An expectant mother pushes our clinic’s door open. She might have a smile on her face, but her eyes are weary. Full of worry. She knows that her baby is on her way, yet she feels deeply unprepared and lonely. She doesn’t have enough diapers, enough clothes, and no crib to lay her baby at night. Most importantly, she doesn’t have any loved ones to support and celebrate with her.

As she steps inside the doors of Lifeline, we are the ones who meet her gaze. And at that moment, we know that our action – or inaction, has the power to change everything.

While we often think of having a baby as one of the most exciting seasons in life, for some it can be the most difficult, due to a lack of support. Lifeline exists for this very reason! We support women and men facing unexpected pregnancy in a number of ways, and we need you to join us!

One of the ways you can partner with Lifeline is by hosting baby showers for soon-to-be moms. The arrival of a baby requires having the necessary material supplies as well as a strong and caring support system. This is what we hope every pregnant woman who crosses our path at Lifeline will be able to receive. We want to ease the uncertainty that plagues her journey to motherhood and to flourish once the baby arrives. We want this milestone to be celebrated by a caring community. She might not have a physical family by her side, but she has us.

Let’s carry each other’s burdens (Galatians 6:2), in the same way that our Lord does for us (“cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you”, He tells us in 1 Peter 5:7). With our Showers of His Grace program, we long to parallel God’s grace by extending it to the ones who need it the most. And we cannot do it alone.

We started organizing these celebrations of new life in October of 2019 and will resume in December of 2021. The showers will take place on the first Thursday of each month. Lifeline provides the location, the decorations, as well as games, activities, and cupcakes. You are more than welcome to bring any other treats of your choice. We will let you know the client’s specific needs so you can  provide wrapped gifts and  attend the shower to come alongside the client to celebrate her and the life that will be joining her soon. You will have the opportunity to not only support her materially and with your presence during the shower, but also after by inviting her to join your church community, offering to walk alongside her in her motherhood journey, and introducing her to Jesus. Are you ready to build His kingdom together? Are you ready to change the course of someone’s life and to help new generations, for His glory? As a congregation, would you please consider providing a baby shower for a client in need of additional support?

Give us a call at 660-665-3059 to sign-up or to request more information on the program and how you can get involved. We thank you in advance for your generosity!

By Elodie Takamiya.

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