Lifeline is a non-profit organization, providing help and support to anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy, regardless of his or her income, marital status, religious beliefs, or what decision is made regarding the pregnancy. All of our services are confidential and offered at no cost. Our services include medical services, support services, community referrals, and professional counseling services. Find out about each one of them below.
Lifeline provides free lab-certified pregnancy tests to women who think they might be pregnant. The test is over 99% accurate and is offered along with a listening ear. One of our Registered Nurses performs the pregnancy test and shares the results with the client during her appointment along with other resources and referrals she might need based on the outcome of the test.
A positive pregnancy test may immediately be followed by a limited ultrasound for clients who meet qualifying criteria. The limited ultrasound gives more information to the client about her pregnancy, including how far along she is, as well as the measurement and heart rate of the baby. The ultrasound is performed by a trained nurse and reviewed by our medical director, a licensed OB/GYN. The client is invited to have the father of the baby, a friend, or a family member sit in with her during the exam. Following the ultrasound, the Lifeline staff is available to address any questions or concerns they may have, as well as to provide the support and resources needed for the choices ahead. Lifeline does not provide or refer for abortions.
Sexually transmitted infections (also called sexually transmitted diseases or STDs) are bacterial infections that can be particularly dangerous to the health of a pregnant woman and her baby. Because they may or may not cause any symptoms, it’s important to get tested. Lifeline offers STI testing for the two most commonly reported STIs in the US: chlamydia and gonorrhea. Each testing appointment is strictly confidential and performed by our clinic director. The results are given during a follow-up appointment, along with additional advice on how to stay healthy.
Lifeline’s prenatal and parenting education program PLANS is offered to pregnant women, new moms, and dads. It provides them with essential information on topics ranging from pregnancy, labor and delivery, to parenting, breastfeeding, infant safety, nutrition, bonding with an infant, and more. Each weekly lesson is tailored to the client’s individual needs and offered at no cost.
As an added benefit, with each lesson successfully completed, the client earns points that they can spend at our boutique. The points can be used to purchase items such as baby outfits, diapers, wipes, baby toys, books, to bigger items such as baby furniture. The boutique is also stocked with items for moms and dads such as maternity clothing and backpacks.
Lifeline recognizes how important dads are to their children and their families. Therefore, we have created DadLINE, a fatherhood coaching program specifically designed for dads. DadLINE’s mission is to strengthen father-child relationships and promote responsible fatherhood. The 4 areas of focus include healthy relationship workshops, responsible parenting workshops, financial and career support, and case management.
In addition, DadLINE is proud to be a Fatherhood FIRE (Family–focused, Interconnected, Resilient, and Essential) grantee of the Office of Family Assistance.
At Lifeline we understand that without the necessary support to face an unexpected pregnancy, abortion can often feel like the only option. Many feel forced into this option and then are left to deal with the aftermath on their own. For anyone who has experienced abortion, Lifeline offers a post-abortion recovery study group. This program is facilitated by Lynae McFarland In order to join this weekly support group, women are invited to or to contact Lifeline directly.
Lifeline values our local youth and recognizes the pressures they face as they make choices that will directly affect their future. Ideal for health classes, Pure Freedom is a relationship, sexual abuse prevention education, and sexual risk avoidance program offered to Northeast Missouri schools at no cost. Taught by certified educators, these 3-day workshops focus on a holistic approach to healthy relationships and encourage students to identify the connection between their current choices and future consequences.
The Alternatives to Abortion program is designed to assist women in carrying their unborn child to term instead of having an abortion and to assist them in caring for their child or placing their child for adoption. Services are available during pregnancy and for one year following birth. The State of Missouri’s Office of Administration manages the contract with community-based, non-profit organizations. Program eligibility requirements must be met for enrollment in this program.
Lifeline offers weekly and monthly groups classes to both women and men. The Motherhood Group Classes are weekly sessions that address topics such as the changes of motherhood, self-confidence, healthy relationships, and so on. It is facilitated by Larissa Fajkus and offered to any mom looking for community support. The Understanding Dads Group Classes are another class offering for moms with the goal to help them improve understanding and communication with the fathers of their children.
Lastly, Lifeline also offers Bible study and monthly group classes on varied topics such as car seat safety, breastfeeding, infant nutrition, etc. Each session is taught by a professional.
Lifeline offers tutoring to help clients prepare for certification exams such as the HiSET (High School Equivalency Test). The two main subjects that we help with are English and Math.
At Lifeline, we work together with each client to determine her individual needs. We partner with other local organizations to provides resources and other community referrals that can be particularly helpful for women facing unexpected pregnancy. These organizations offer assistance with medical care, housing, education, employment, insurance, etc. Through these resources, Lifeline can help each client find the support she needs.
Lifeline frequently refers for:
Our professional counselor LeAnn Dent (MEd, LPC) has worked at Lifeline since 2008. She meets with each client individually, assesses their needs, and helps them work through any emotional struggles or challenges they may face. We want every client to be equipped and supported through our services.
“Lifeline is an amazing program. The ladies are beyond helpful and polite and take your questions and concerns seriously. I’m so thankful I came across this program!” – Lifeline client
“Lifeline was a welcoming place where I felt like I could work through my emotions and be honest about being mad or angry, but also sad and feeling like my heart had been broken in two pieces. The people I came in contact with were always caring and made me feel like I belonged and not ostracized.” – Lifeline client
“Lifeline has been very very helpful, they have done nothing but look out for our best interest. I would recommend Lifeline to every teenage pregnant mom out there.” – Lifeline